Wallaroo Rifle Club

Wallaroo 5556

Wallaroo Rifle Club

The Wallaroo Rifle club commenced shooting in 1876. They shot along the beach just 1 kilometre north of the present range. Due to the increase of beach walkers who cared little about their safety the range was moved to the sand hills to where it is today. In time a 300 – 900 yard range was constructed with a 6 frame target gallery. In later years the range was reduced back to 600 yds due to grain bunkers being built. So extra metric mounds were constructed to give the club some variety in their shooting.

Club Contacts
Club Captain
Rhyder Atkinson
Club Secretary
Tarryn McLean
Contact Information


Social Media

Not specified

Operating Hours
12:00 PM to 03:00 PM

Wallaroo Rifle Range


Cresco Rd, Wallaroo SA (1.2km NW of the spencer Hwy)