South Australian Rifle Association Inc

Election of Two (2) Board Directors

Notice is hereby given that arrangements have been made for me to act as Returning Officer for the purpose of conducting an election for two (2) Board Directors of the South Australian Rifle Association Inc.

Two candidates will be elected for a 2-year term ending at the November 2025 AGM.

Nominations are invited and may be made at any time from Friday 8 September 2023 to reach me by no later than 10am on Friday 29 September 2023 from any person eligible to be a candidate for election to the vacancies.

Persons eligible to nominate and vote include all Life Members and Financial Individual Members as at 5pm on Friday 29 September 2023.

Nominations must be made on the approved form, signed by the candidate and two persons eligible to vote in the election.

Nomination forms may be downloaded from the website, obtained from the Association office or use the nomination form emailed to eligible members.

Candidates may attach a profile/statement of not more than 200 words in support of their nomination.  Profile/statements must reach the Returning Officer no later than the close of nominations, 10am on Friday 29 September 2023.

Should a ballot be necessary, voting for this election will be conducted using electronic voting software. All eligible financial members who have supplied their email address to the Association will receive a link via email.  All other eligible financial members will receive instructions and a link via text message or post to the address shown in Association records. The electronic ballot will open on Sunday 8 October 2023 and close at 10am on Sunday 29 October 2023.

Leanne Galpin

Returning Officer


SARA Election Relevant Dates 2023

SARA Nomination Form 2023

SARA Election Rules - Electronic